3.7 Pitchers in House League
A) During the regular season and playoffs, a pitcher may pitch a maximum of 6 outs per game. These innings must be consecutive. Once a pitcher has been replaced by another pitcher, he CANNOT be brought back in to pitch in the same game.
Any pitcher removed during the course of an inning may not re-enter the game as a pitcher. For the purpose of this rule, an inning will be charged to a pitcher if he assumes the mound and throws at least one pitch to a batter. If extra innings are required, all players may pitch subject to the daily limitations.
3.8 Player Substitution
A) During regular season and playoff games, no player may sit out both the first and second innings of a game.
B) Each team member must play defensively two innings in an infield position per game, during regular season and playoffs.
C) No player may sit two (2) innings until each player has sat one (1). No player may sit three (3) innings until each player has sat two (2), etc.
C) All players in any regular season or playoff game must play defensively, no fewer than one inning less than the player who plays the most innings.
D) Players arriving late or leaving early, will be credited as being OFF for those innings, and the DEFENSIVE LINEUP must be adjusted accordingly. Or at the coaches discretion, for disciplinary reasons, may disallow the player from entering the game, after the start of the game.
E) Each team manager/coach must provide the opposing coach a lineup sheet, (Attached to back page of SCORE BOOK), indicating batting lineup and Player positions. Required off s for each player are indicated below.
Players Five Six Seven
10 5 off 0, 5 of f1 4 off 0, 6 off 1 7 off 1, 3 off 0
11 1 off 0, 10 off 1 10 off 1, 1 of f2 3 off 2, 8 off 1
12 9 off 1, 3 off 2 6 off 1, 6 off 2 9 off 2, 3 off 1
13 6 off 1, 7 off 2 2 off 1, 11 off 2 11 off 2, 2 off 3